Assistant Editor, Real Estate News

Informacje o ofercie pracy

  • ikona
    Wynagrodzenie 3000-4000 zł / za miesiąc
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    Zmiana Rano
  • ikona
    Miejsce pracy 2 ofert pracy
  • ikona
    Stanowisko Kierownik / koordynator
  • ikona
    Doświadczenie 3 lata
  • ikona
    Kwalifikacje Umowa o dzieło
  • ikona
    zakres obowiązków Prowadzenie szkoleń wdrożeniowych, sprzedażowych oraz produktowych dla pracowników wewnętrznych i klientów zewnętrznych, Przygotowanie koncepcji, projektowanie oraz bieżące aktualizowanie programów, scenariuszy i materiałów szkoleniowych, Badanie i analiza potrzeb szkoleniowych, Dobór odpowiednich technik i narzędzi szkoleniowych, Monitorowanie i raportowanie efektywności szkoleń.

Suma kandydatów, które aplikowały na stanowisko:


Opis stanowiska pracy

The Team: The digital newsroom of S&P Global Market Intelligence is dedicated to delivering readers actionable news on financial markets around the world. The real estate team has a global focus, covering major real estate companies and transactions in North America, EMEA and the Asia-Pacific region.

The Impact: The assistant editor plays a key role in publishing, assigning and writing articles covering a range of topics, including M&A, executive moves, capital markets activity and property transactions.

What’s in it for you: This role provides the ability to take your journalism career to the next level, sharpening writing, editing and news judgment skills and helping guide the team’s news coverage. You will also gain knowledge of the business of commercial real estate and the dynamics that drive its various sectors.  


  • Assist in producing clean and concise copy under deadline pressure
  • Help shape our coverage by contributing story ideas, vetting news leads and compiling and/or editing daily and weekly features
  • Collaborate with editors across the team to monitor news
  • Learn the real estate beat, drawing on in-house training tools and other resources
  • Coach and mentor team members, where needed

What We’re Looking For:

  • Minimum of a Bachelor’s/College Degree
  • At least 2-3 years of working experience as a writer or editor
  • A strong interest in real estate or business news
  • Ability to communicate and coordinate effectively and collegially with team members
  • Ability to move quickly from one task to another
  • Meticulous attention to detail; dedication to producing quality product; deadline conscious
  • Eager to learn new things and be a team player
  • Ability to work under tight deadline

S&P Global Market Intelligence

At S&P Global Market Intelligence, we know that not all information is important—some of it is vital. Accurate, deep and insightful. We integrate financial and industry data, research and news into tools that help track performance, generate alpha, identify investment ideas, understand competitive and industry dynamics, perform valuation and assess credit risk. Investment professionals, government agencies, corporations and universities globally can gain the intelligence essential to making business and financial decisions with conviction.

S&P Global Market Intelligence is a division of S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI), which provides essential intelligence for individuals, companies and governments to make decisions with confidence. For more information, visit

EEO Statement:

S&P Global is an equal opportunity employer committed to making all employment decisions without regard to race/ethnicity, gender, pregnancy, gender identity or expression, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status (including domestic partnerships and civil unions), @ual orientation, military veteran status, unemployment status, or other legally protected categories, subject to applicable law.

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